
Membership & Networking

  • Mission: Create value for Membership by promoting high-touch, trust-based networking within the Chapter

  • Manages contact information for our Membership

  • Welcomes / on-boards new Members / Alumni

  • Works with Events to create Networking opportunities / events


  • Mission: Create value for Membership by promoting relevant, on-going education opportunities

  • Manages “Lunch & Learn” program

  • Works with Events to create Educational events

Local Events

  • Mission: Create value for Membership by providing localized, in-person events

  • Manages local logistics for in-person events

  • Other committees will work with the local events committee to schedule / plan the specific event


  • Mission: Create value for Membership and Undergraduates by providing mentorship opportunities

  • Creates and manages a Mentoring program

  • Matches Mentors with Mentees


  • Mission: Create value for Membership and the ICS Community by providing scholarship opportunities

  • Works with UCIAA to distribute scholarship funds